3-Week Series: The King’s Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh / Today: Christ, Our Royal King (Gold)

Matthew 2:1-12


Notes on the People:


The Worship of the Wisemen: 

They worshiped…

  1. with GREAT JOY! (2:10)
  2. with SUBMISSION (2:2) ascribing Authority
  3. with HONOR (2:11) ascribing Dignity
  4. with MEANINGFUL GIFTS (2:11) of great cost
Our call to worship Christ, Our Royal King:
  1. with GREAT JOY! (1 Peter 1:8)
  2. with SUBMISSION (Matt 28:18)
  3. with HONOR (John 3:30)
  4. with MEANINGFUL GIFTS (2 Cor 9:7)

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