Acts 2


  • (2:1-4) Disciples obeyed.  They were together.  God moved mightily.
  • (2:5-11) The Gospel Message is proclaimed with clarity in the ears of the nations
  • (2:12-21) Peter explains what people are seeing
  • (2:22-24) Peter preaches
  • (2:25-35) David prophesied from OT
  • (2:36-37) The people heard & saw something…knew they’d never be the same
    • “What do we do?”
  • (2:38-41) Repent.  Be baptized.  Be filled.  Be His.

Observations (working backwards from v41)

  1. People from various tribes and tongues say YES to Jesus (Gospel Doctrine)
  2. The disciples proclaimed God’s Word, filled with the Spirit.
  3. The disciples prayed…together…in-person.
  4. The disciples obeyed.
  5. Christ promised he would use them in this way (Acts 1:8)

A GOSPEL CULTURE is lived out by 

  • People who know, love, and obey Jesus together as they gather and pray for Christ to be glorified in and through them (Acts 2:1-4)
  • People who proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit to their neighbors and the nations (Acts 2:5-41)
  • People who are devoted to (Acts 2:42-47)
    • God’s Word (personally & corporately)
    • God’s Church (fellowship and prayer as they gather AND connection as they scatter)
    • God’s Working (seeing the power of God on display as lives are transformed)
    • God’s Way of Generosity (to and through the local church, to the needy)
    • God’s Glory (as they live a life of praise to God and blessing to others)

A Gospel Culture is nurtured by a grateful people who are filled with the Spirit and on mission for Jesus.

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