Prayerfully Dependent:

We want to be a church that works hard in prayer. A church where prayer is understood to be as vital to our health as breathing is to our physical well-being; where our planning, strategies, decisions, and efforts are, first, matters of prayer; where members find it normal to seek out other members to pray with them, to pray for them, and to ask for prayer from them; where its leaders devote themselves not only to the ministry of the Word but also to prayer; and where the entire body is stretched in its commitment to pray and learns of the joy, privilege, and necessity of communion with God. We are convinced that the Holy Spirit will lead us as we are prayerfully dependent.

Section #1: General Prayer for Your Area

  • Content: Population & picture of lostness in your “Jerusalem” (1 minute)
  • Responsive Scripture Reading of 1 Thessalonians 1:1–10 (2 minutes)
  • Silent Prayer (2 minutes) / Partner Prayer (4 minutes)

Section #2: Prayer for Age Groups

  • Content: Basic Information about Age Groupings (1 minute)
  • Silent Prayer (2 minutes)
    • Prayer for those in your age group, the struggles that you feel
  • Partner Prayer (4 minutes)
    • Find someone in a different age group than you

Section #3: Prayer for Families

  • Content: Families Situation in search area (1 minute – marriage, divorce, single-parents, etc…)
  • Table Prayer (6 minutes)

Section #4: Prayer for Ethnic Groups

  • Content: The picture of ethnic groups in search area (2 minutes)
  • Time of Personal Confession (2 minutes)
  • Large Group Prayer (5 minutes)

Section #5: Prayer for Religious Awakening

  • Content: Spiritual pulse of people in search area (2 minutes)
  • Responsive Scripture Reading of Psalm 85 (3 minutes)
  • Silent Prayer (2 minutes) / Partner Prayer (4 minutes)

Section #6: Prayer for More Gospel Preaching Churches

  • Content: Religious Preferences (2 minutes)
  • Table Prayer (5 minutes)

Section #7: Prayer for Our Personal Circle of Influence

  • Content: Reasons for Non-Participation in Church (2 minutes)
  • Silent Prayer (3 Minutes)
  • Write your name & 2–3 names down on 3×5 card that you are praying for in your circle of accountability
  • Partner Prayer (4 Minutes)
  • Exchange cards with the other person and pray for one another

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