Context – We encounter 4 men in our text:

  • Gaius – a man with right rhythms
  • Diotrephes – a man with harmful habits
  • Demetrius – a man with a wonderful witness
  • the Apostle John – a man with a shepherd’s soul
1. A HEALTHY WALK sparks life that spreads (3 John 1-8)
  • spiritually
  • faithfully
  • publicly

How is your soul?


2. A HARMFUL WALK starts trouble that isolates (3 John 9-11)

“Selfishness tarnishes everything it touches.” -Anonymous

“Selfishness is the enemy of all true affection.” -Tacitus

Col 1:18; Heb 13:15-17

Q: Would you rather work/walk with Gaius or Diotrephes?


3. AN HONEST WALK stirs community toward worship.  (3 John 12)

Psalm 34:14


4. A LOVING WALK stimulates true fellowship (3 John 13-15)


Q: How is your walk?

Q: How is your soul?

Hebrews 12:1-2

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