What are we reading together?

We are continuing our 2-year Chronological Plan through the entire Bible.  There are 5 reading days per week.

Click HERE to download the PDF, or pick up the card on Sunday.

Our Bible Reading Plan fuels so much of our life together as a church family.

Why read the Bible together, on the same plan?
  • It’s good for our whole church family to join together in a spiritual task.  It reminds us that we are not alone and also keeps us accountable to one another in this spiritual discipline.
  • Reading together reinforces our church’s commitment to the Word.
  • It can encourage more gospel-saturated Bible-centered conversations among our church family.
  • Memorizing Scripture together – helps us all hide God’s Word in our hearts.

Using the DWELL Bible App

You’ve heard Pastor Chad speak of the Dwell app before.  It’s a great way to listen through Scripture.

Mission Bible Church has a Dwell Account AND a Reading Plan set up for you to listen, too.  You can listen while you read, you can listen in the car on a commute to supplement your reading.  You can pick the voices, versions, backgrounds, etc.  You’re going to love DWELL.

  1. Click here to join the Mission Bible Church group for FREE!
  2. Then, click here for the Mission Bible Plan for 2025.

Let’s get in the Word so the Word can get into us!


Prayer Helps too…

Here are 2 articles I’ve found helpful to prayerfully get into your discipline of reading: